How to Wear a Utility Kilt?

The utilitarian kilt The illegitimate son of a Scottish highland folklore and cargo pants. Bringing together all of the advantages of a traditional Scottish Tartan kilt with the breathable fabric of modern cargo trousers. I almost forgot to explain that utility kilts feature pockets. The best thing about utility kilts is that they have no meaning. Utility kilts have no history.

Unlike the classic kilt, which has hundreds of years of history, the utility kilt was created in Seattle in the late 1990s. A utility kilt has only one meaning: a guy who wants a kilt that can be worn every day and is comfortable. That’s all. A man want all of the advantages of a kilt but none of the drawbacks.

Traditional kilts, in our opinion, can be likened to limos; they can be sophisticated, eye-catching, and not out of place in a formal atmosphere. While utility kilts are SUVs, they are rugged, can drive anywhere and still be comfortable, and you can wear them to any occasion, including formal ones, depending on how you specify the SUV (you wouldn’t want to wear a mudslinging monster truck to a formal event like a wedding, would you?).

The nicest thing about Utility kilts is its adaptability; similar to the SUV analogy above, a Utility kilt, depending on what you wear with it, can be used for practically any occasion. Now comes the difficult part: deciding what to wear with the kilt to different events. What you wear WITH utility kilts is just as significant.

Basics: How to literally wear a kilt

Before we begin, let’s talk about how to accessorise your kilt. First, let’s talk about HOW to wear a kilt.

Wrapping the kilt: Of course, the first step is to wrap the kilt. The left half of the kilt will usually cover the right side. Traditionally, the top of the kilt should be around your waist. The pleats should be on the back, and the apron (flat panels) should be on the front. The fronts of the two aprons will then overlap. Because you’re not wearing a miniskirt, your kilt should cover your knees.

Strap it up: The type of utility kilt you choose will determine this, but all kilts include a fastening device to keep it in place. Whether it’s Velcro, straps, or something else. Put on the kilt. Remember, overtightening the fasteners WILL destroy the construction of the kilt. Simply tweak it till it’s a great fit.

What to Wear with your Utility Kilt

We’ll now go over what to wear with your Utility kilt on various occasions to get the most out of it.

Go ham in your casual attire. Wear whatever you want with it. It’s a regular day, so let your fashion sense guide what you wear with your Utility Kilt. We’re not going to tell you what to wear. If you like a more conventional appearance. Simply put on a Jacobite or Ghillie shirt, which are lightweight and flowy for optimal comfort.

Formal Wear: We’re now going to put on a more structured dress. As a result, specific fashion rules should be followed.

Colors — This is where basic fashion sense comes into play. Sure, you can wear bright orange to a black-tie event (especially if it’s the MET Gala), but a more conservative colour scheme is required. As a result, blacks, charcoal greys, and navy blues are the most neutral utility kilt colours available. Avoid utility kilts in secondary colours as they make matching your clothes much easier. Avoid wearing utility kilts with bright colours or unusual designs, such as camo, to a formal function. You’re already wearing a kilt, which makes a strong enough statement; you don’t need a kilt that says “look at me!!!”

Pleats – Utility kilts come in two different pleat types. There are Box pleats, which are more modern and functional, and Knife pleats, which are more traditional. Box pleats allow the wearer more freedom of movement while also appearing more practical. Knife pleats are ideal for events that call for a little extra refinement. It keeps the appearance of traditional kilts and, as a result, holds its shape better.

Shirts — For those of us who wear kilts, a Victorian collar shirt is a must-have.
Kilt Jackets – Depending on the occasion, you have a few options here:
Prince Charlie Jackets– These are the most formal of the jacket styles available. Typically paired with tartans. You can, however, pull this off with black kilts. For black tie events, you can’t go wrong with this.
Argyll Jackets– A little less formal than Prince Charlie Jackets, but more versatile because you may wear them for formal occasions as well as casually if you want to seem spiffy.
Day jackets are similar to the jacket of a three-piece suit. The least casual of the three jacket choices. Is it still in good condition? Yes.

Neckties – Depending on the occasion, you have a few options here:
Bowties are the most formal type of necktie. Typically black, and worn to black tie events.
Cravats – For more formal occasions. What exactly is a cravat, you may wonder? It’s what Fred wears around his neck in the vintage Scooby-Doo cartoons.

Wool or tweed neckties are typically designated for semi-formal or casual gatherings where you wish to add a sophisticated touch.

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